

Rev.3 del 13/06/2022

Cat Servizi srl is a company specialized in carrying out environmental remediation in the civil and industrial sectors, in the removal of asbestos and in the remediation of aeraulic systems, including transport activities and initiation of disposal of the relevant hazardous and non-hazardous special waste. Cat Servizi srl also operates in the field of sanitization and disinfestation interventions in workplaces and civil environments.

Cat Servizi srl considers the quality and reliability of its services, the respect and protection of the environment and the safeguarding of health and safety at work, as decisive factors for its development, for the satisfaction of its customers and for the implementation of socially responsible behaviors.

The Integrated Policy for Quality, the Environment and Safety of Cat Servizi srl defines the commitments that the company management assumes towards all interested parties, external and internal to the company, in compliance with the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 (Quality), UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 (Environment) and UNI EN ISO 45001:2018 (Safety).

In relation to its reference context and the parties interested and involved in the activities and services provided, Cat Servizi srl undertakes to respect and implement the following policies.

Our company has the certificate of qualification for the execution of public works issued pursuant to Presidential Decree 207/2010 Cat. OG 1 Class. III-Bis and Cat. OG12 Class. III-Bis issued by SOA Group SPA

Quality policy

It promotes the process approach and, for each process, evaluating and managing risks and opportunities.
It carries out and periodically updates the analysis of the context in which the organization operates and develops its strategic directions on the basis of this analysis.
Defines quality objectives and indicators.
Respects and satisfies all applicable laws and requirements by constantly verifying compliance.
Implements actions and continuous improvement plans for the Integrated Management System.
Evaluates the customer’s needs in order to ensure their total and complete satisfaction.

Occupational health and safety policy

It ensures healthy and safe working conditions for the prevention of accidents and work-related illnesses, taking into account the contexts and environments in which the company operates and the specific nature of the health and safety risks to which staff are exposed.
It annually defines the objectives regarding health and safety at work.
Complies with all legal and other occupational health and safety requirements, working to eliminate hazards and reduce them to the lowest possible level in the workplace.
Pursues continuous improvement plans.
Ensures training, participation and consultation of workers and their representatives.
Implements all initiatives required by law and legal requirements to prepare to respond to potential emergency situations.

Environmental policy

It evaluates and monitors the nature, size and environmental impacts of its activities.
Comply with applicable legislation, regulations and environmental standards.
It protects the environment and adopts all necessary measures to prevent pollution, taking into account the operating context and all direct and indirect environmental aspects.
It ensures the continuous improvement of its environmental performance, evaluating performance and defining proactive and reactive indicators in order to prevent significant environmental impacts.
Definisce annualmente obiettivi e traguardi ambientali e gli riesamina periodicamente.
It takes care of the training and continuous updating of its staff on environmental matters.
It evaluates its activities and the products used in order to always have environmental aspects under control.

In order to ensure the commitments undertaken herein, Cat Servizi srl deems it necessary:

  • Ensure the resources necessary for the creation, maintenance and improvement of the Integrated Management System for Quality, the Environment and Safety at work;
  • Involve and raise awareness of all interested parties regarding the commitments of the Integrated Policy;
  • Measure and control the achievement of the objectives of the Integrated Management System.
  • Plan ongoing training initiatives for the continuous updating of staff skills and professionalism.

Cat Servizi srl ensures that this Integrated Policy is documented, made operational, kept active, periodically reviewed and disseminated to all staff, all interested parties as well as made public on the company website.


Genova 13.06.2022

Approvata da

Giovanbattista Pedicini

L’Amministratore Delegato CAT Servizi srl.

ISO 45001_URS

Certificazione ISO 45001:2018

Gestione della Sicurezza e della Salute

Ente di rilascio: United Registrar of System
Certificato N. 203903/C/0001/UK/It

ISO 9001_URS

Certificazione ISO 9001:2015


Ente di rilascio: United Registrar of System
Certificato N. 203903/D0001/AC/It

ISO 14001_URS

Certificazione ISO 14001:2015


Ente di rilascio: United Registrar of System
Cert. N. 203903/A/0001/UK/It

Policy Whistleblowing

Cat Servzi S.r.l.
Via al Molo Giano snc
Genova Porto

Codice Etico

Cat Servzi S.r.l.
Via al Molo Giano snc
Genova Porto

Modello 231

Via al Molo Giano snc
Genova Porto

Management of Whistleblowing reports

Cat Servzi S.r.l.
Via al Molo Giano snc
Genova Porto

In case of reports you can connect to the following link



Cat Servzi S.r.l.
Via al Molo Giano snc
Genova Porto